Orienteering: Hexham Urban, Nov 23

Hexham, it turns out, is pretty hilly. It also has lots of walls and fences and stuff that mean some things can be the long way round, even when the control's... just there . Course #2, for Veteran Men and Open Women. Open to what, I'm not sure. 😳 Beyond that, I'm really not sure what I want to write about today. My toe felt a bit off from the off. It was bloomin' cold. The pins and needles I got when my fingers and thumbs finally warmed up was something else. I got absolutely left for dead by a guy doing the same course who started a minute behind me. Just under halfway round, I felt a strain in my back, on the right hand side, which feels more like a karting injury than a running one. (Great timing too, as I have karting coming up this Wed evening! 🙄) Oh, and I ended up 6th out of 9 finishers (though 10 entrants) in my age group, with a time of 52:51, a full 08:51 behind the winner. So, it doesn't feel like I was very fast, but at least today I don't think ...