Training: Arthur's Hill (up Westgate Road)

So, a first run back that wasn't just stop-start. And given my phone was sucking the last bits of juice it would ever suck (thanks to a broken charging port), I was running without anything telling me how far I'd gone, what pace, or even what time it was. With that in mind, any sensible person would've run a route whose distance they know well. But I'm not any sensible person.

Yep, that was a gradient.

Heading out of the office and onto Grey Street, I ran up to Grey's Monument and then up towards Gallowgate. Seeing the towering (for Newcastle) skyline of the science/business park, I then figured I might head up there and weave around in the hope of meeting a former colleague who's just moved there, but that didn't last long. Instead, I ran alongside the old town walls for as far as they were discernible, which took me down to Westgate Road, opposite Tilley's and the Tyne Theatre and Opera House.

Cue a hard right, heading up Westgate Road as I sensed the chance to check out a green space that I'd not been into before. It would mean running up the hill past all the motorbike shops, but that was fine and would be a good workout. So, off I plodded up to the top of the hill, feeling I was going very slowly by the time I got to the top. The aim was only to go as far as Elswick Road, but by the time I got there and saw the underwhelming nature of the green space, the challenge of the continuing hill was calling instead.

On I went, aiming to head past Akbar's and almost up to the Gregg's Outlet. The hill had reduced in gradient a little, but was still a hill. I figured I'd go as far as what looked like the crest, only to find that, in typical hill fashion, it was a false summit. So on I went a little further until I finally did reach the top. I'm guessing that by this point, Westgate Road had become West Road, but I've honestly no idea where that transition really does happen. All I knew was that it was probably time to turn back and that it was nigh on 100% downhill from here back to the office.

And that was that. Mapping it all out on again (I should get commission for these mentions!), turns out the final distance was a little under 4.5km and the elevation trace looks pretty pleasing. I'll leave my next run until Saturday, when I hope to get back to parkrun. I've missed 5 of the last 6 events, which has pretty much screwed my 30-in-a-year objective unless I attend 6 of the remaining 8 runs (I'm not counting the Christmas day run, which I'll probably never do). But ignoring that target, I'll just be happy to be marking some apricot-orange on my running calendar for once.


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