The end of the road

At the end of the previous post, I said this: 

"Maybe getting exercise from a bike is a more realistic and sensible option ...but for now I remain in denial. I'm still a runner, damnit!"

Well... no more. After weeks of pretty much unprompted pain from my left knee, I've decided to call it a day. At 49 years old, it might seem premature to say it, but I want to save my joints for retirement, to enjoy walks and climbs with my wife. It's in my power to put a halt to the accelerated deterioration of my knees, hips and ankles through injuries that have been a pattern over the past couple of years, so I'm acting on it. No more impact sports. 😞

Don't get me wrong; I'm gutted. I actually started to enjoy something that I'd hated for the entire rest of my life. I achieved things I never thought possible. I set goals and I mostly hit them. I'm proud of that. Now though, I need to set new goals. Maybe cycling, maybe swimming, maybe even just walking (but probably not). It just won't be running or orienteering any more.

To my future self, sorry about the knee, but at least I stopped. And to my future wife — note, that's my current wife but in the future! — let's get out there and see the world. Macchu Pichu first? 🙏


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