Training: avoiding Matthew Bank on the way into work

Another run into work on the morning after a games night, but this time a slightly different route. Call me weak if you will, but I chose to avoid the slog of Matthew Bank today, heading up past South Gosforth metro station from Haddrick's Mill instead. Don't get me wrong, that's still an uphill section, but at least it was a different uphill and probably not as severe or prolonged as Matthew Bank.

The difference to the usual route was between the 3km and 5km marks

In terms of length, it was allegedly very slightly longer than the usual route, but by the time I arrived at the office, the difference was well within Google Fit's margin of error for the usual route. And the pace? A total time of 42:37 for 7.75km averaged out at 5:30/km. Slower than both last week's Pret run (5:21/km) and the run to work before that (5:18/km), but so be it. There were times on the run today where I knew I must be going more slowly than usual as I wasn't even having to manage the rhythm of my breathing to keep going. Hopefully, simply putting in the kilometres will be reaping benefits anyway. And hopefully the discomfort in my left knee and hip will go before parkrun tomorrow... 🤞


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