Training: first lunchtime run in ages
Finally, a day at work without compulsory lunchtime meetings. I'll keep this brief-ish, though.
In short, it was pretty damned warm out there for a run today; 19°C and full sun. I had an errand to run, however, and had promised the Wife that I'd pick up a gift voucher from the Biscuit Factory while out, so out I had to go. Aiming to do about 5K by the time I got there, I decided to weave across a couple of bridges before heading up the Ouseburn. The start went past the Black Gate and then skirted the Turnbull Building before heading down Hanover Street to the quayside. Along from that to the Swing Bridge and then past the Glasshouse and back over the Millennium Bridge. Straight down to Ouseburn from there and up past the Tyne Bar to Ouseburn Farm and up through the trees to Ernest and on to the Biscuit Factory.
By the time I got there, I was hot and sweaty, but at least in some kind of rhythm. I only realised that when I finally left again and headed back to the office, my whole body feeling like that of a drunken pensioner, practically stumbling along rather than running. I hate how a break in your run just makes it SO hard to get back into it. I would've been better off just continuing, but that wasn't an option, of course.
By the time I got back to the office, I'd done just a few metres under 6km and my 5K time was a little over 28 minutes. Not too bothered about that; it was hot and there was the odd time I had an enforced stop, so... whatever. The major headline for me was simply that I'd managed to get out for a run in the middle of the week for the first time in almost a month. Hallelujah. Let's see whether I can manage it again.
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