Parkrun #47: Town Moor, run 3
Holy moly, I'm back. 😳
My first parkrun in over 2 months was meant to be at Gateshead so that I could bump into the husband of a work colleague, but as usual even when I was regular, I was late getting out of the house. Luckily, on the way to Saltwell Park, I would pass the Town Moor, so I bailed out and took that option instead — despite the fact that I'm really not a fan of it.
As for why I'm not a fan, it's partly down to the stony tracks that make up half of the course and partly down to the sheer number of people taking part, which means that the start inevitably involves a lot of finding yourself boxed in. Mind, you could argue the latter reason is just sour grapes on my part, reflecting my failure to get a time under 26 minutes despite it being a very flat course.
Choosing your starting position to avoid the worst of the crowds also requires a bit of... well, dishonesty. The last time I was here, I dutifully positioned myself by the sign that said something like "Estimated finish time: 26–28 minutes". Funnily enough, despite getting a time in that range, I spent most of the 5km steadily passing people. People, that is, who should've started further back. This time, it was no more Mr Nice Guy. Instead, I started by the "Estimated finish time: 22–24 minutes" sign. For shame!
Despite this, I still had to walk the first 10–15 seconds and, when not penned in, found myself passing plenty of folk again. The puddles were another added obstacle to getting a good time today and, while there's plenty of room to pass people off the track, doing so puts you onto some very uneven ground with the attendant risk to your ankles.
All that said... those pathetic excuses can't disguise the fact that I found it really tough today. And while I thought I'd probably ducked under 26 minutes for the first time here — and for the first time at any parkrun since September — the final reckoning showed I came home in 26:04. Aaaaaarrrghh! The curse of the Town Moor strikes again. I swear to god I'll get a 25 minute time here one day, but today wasn't to be that day.
But, despite the time, I came away from today feeling pretty pleased with myself. I'd pushed myself harder than I have done over 5km for a long time and fought off a feeling like death(!) around the 4km mark. It felt good to have really challenged myself again and I came away with my head held high. More of that next weekend, please. Or is that asking too much? 😁
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