Training: ticking over
Today's route in pink; well, the Gateshead half of it anyway.
Seems a bit OTT to call this a training run, but I popped out for a quick 5-ish kilometre run at lunch, creating a loop that would see me wind up at Central Station to pick up train tickets for a work trip tomorrow. By that point, having crossed the High Level bridge and returned via the Redheugh Bridge, I'd racked up a little over 4K, with the final bit towards 5K coming on the run back to the office from the station. GPS botched the start, but I'd guess my average pace was about 5:15 to 5:20/km.
This was also a brilliant display of how not to run. I ate lunch immediately before going out, didn't go to the loo before running, and didn't do any stretches at all. Never mind, though; I got away with it.
Next run is likely to be Friday at the earliest, as I'm away on a work trip midweek.
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