Training: evening 8K around Bedlington
Still in Bedlington, though the blue sky has gone again. The evening was still pretty pleasant though, so out for a second run in two days. Yesterday was a bit disappointing in terms of pace, but despite the temptation to make up for that with a quick run today, really, I just needed to get more distance in.
After messing about on for too long (as ever), I set off for a potentially sketchy run around the streets. I say sketchy because some of the paths I'd chosen might not be well lit. Sure enough, as soon as I started, I was struck by how poorly lit Bedlington is compared to the streets back home. And that was on the streets themselves never mind the paths I'd chosen down the sides of housing estates. So the planned route changed a bit.
Ultimately, I followed the edge of the housing estate nearest the River Blyth (though I got view of the river) down towards Bedlington Station before doubling back up to Aldi in the town centre. From there it was past the Police headquarters and down past my old house in the estate behind it (being nosey, basically). From there, back up to the Red Lion and then out along the road to Nedderton. Doubling back again shortly after passing the Co-op, it was back to the Red Lion then down Front Street before cutting through the estate by the community centre and back 'home'.
In the end, the 8.2km was slightly longer than the original planned route. Timewise, it was a decent pace given the distance: 5:25/km. And writing this now, I'm actually a bit gutted I didn't go longer and make it a 10K. Never mind. I'll take it as a positive sign that I'm edging towards doing more long runs and thinking nothing of the distance anymore. I was even asked today whether I'd consider doing the Great North Run next year... and for once I didn't say no.
I didn't say yes either, but that's not the point. 😂 Who knows what 2024 has in store.
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