2023: wot no orienteering?!
It's been a looong time since I last posted about anything orienteering-related and there's a good reason for that: I've not done any for AGES. Daughter the 1st has given up on it and we've even handed back the club top she was borrowing (that was very cringe). I've also been putting all of my efforts into parkrunning instead, as those events are typically closer to home, start and end earlier, and so consume less of a weekend for me (and the family). So... yeah... no orienteering. 😢
While I suspect this means I won't renew my club or BOF membership for 2024, I do still miss getting out for it occasionally. Maybe next year, I'll try to run once or twice as an independent.
Also, 2023 isn't over yet and, looking ahead on the NATO future events page, I see that there's another urban event happening in Cramlington at the start of November. Let's make that a target. It'll be interesting to see how I get on and whether the running has made much of a difference to my ability. If I'm going on past form, however, I suspect the bigger issue may be the navigation. 😂
Oh, and what got me thinking about orienteering again? The building desire to get to the Alnwick Pastures parkrun before the end of the year and the associated thoughts of whether I need to get some trail running shoes for it. If I did treat myself, those shoes would be ideal for orienteering too. But... I may well procrastinate on that for a while yet even though I work just a few minutes from various outdoors shops!
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