The Great North 10K: signed up!
Committing myself to another of my targets for 2023, I've now entered the Great North 10K. Was a bit pricier than many 10K events I've seen, but I like the sound of the route and, crucially, it wasn't already fully booked up or closed to entries (unlike the Blyth 10K or the North Tyneside one).
It should be fun running through the centre of Newcastle and actually having the right of way for once. No having to wait for cars and buses at pedestrian crossings, no having to dodge the shoppers, none of that crap. At least, I'm hoping there'll be none of that. I've never seen the run itself on the day, so I can only assume there won't be randoms crossing my path all the time. 😂
The first 3K is also run on the same route as the Great North Run, which will be nice. No doubt it'll tempt me to do the real thing one day, but right now, that feels a long way off. For now, signing up just gives me the impetus to focus more on my longer runs. And hopefully that'll benefit my 5K runs too. It all feels like a move in the right direction and I'm feeling more positive about my running than I have for a while. 😊
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