Midweek: hard times on a hotel treadmill
With a busy weekend of visiting relatives, there was no chance for a run and then it was straight into a 2-day work trip. Finding a time and place for a run — let alone finding the energy for it — was always going to be difficult. In the end, I skipped breakfast on the second day of my work trip to hit the gym.
Despite the appeal of running in Auckland, New Zealand, I opted instead for a workout I had a little more control over, selecting a 5K program over "rolling hills" at some arbitrary, but mid-level, intensity. Sadly, I found it so hard that I reduced the intensity and cut it short at 4K. I really wasn't feeling it. 😞
And for once, I think I'll just leave the report there. Not a great day, but hoping for better on the next outdoor run.
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