Midweek run: testing the hip, pt2
Finally! Like... FINALLY! It's been 2 weeks since my last run (the orienteering wasn't really running; check my pace) and 3 weeks since my last pain-free run, but I eventually dared to go back out again today and... it was fine. 😅
To be fair, I would've tried a parkrun on Saturday, had it not been for a stinking cold descending on me the night before, and there were other lunchtimes at work where only my meeting schedule stopped me. Nonetheless, it was a massive relief to get back out today and for it to go without incident.
The route I went for this time was meant to be one that just circled my office fairly closely, so that I could quit (in pain) at any moment and not have too far to hobble back. I also had only about 20 minutes to play with, so I couldn't go too far as it was. Normally, the thought of those restrictions keeping me in the traffic fumes would depress the hell out of me, but I didn't care today. And in the end, I ignored my plan anyway.
Heading out onto Pilgrim Street, I considered passing Flat Caps in Carliol Square again, but instead continued up to Market Street, cutting back to pass the Theatre Royal, then past the Grainger Market on my way towards Westgate Road. It was then a right turn up Westgate Road and past The Tyne Theatre and The Bodega (mental note: head back there for a beer sometime, as it's been ages) and onto St James' Boulevard.
From there, I found myself going in a direction I hadn't really considered for a run before: past the Discovery Museum and up towards Elswick. On the way, I planned to head towards Summerhill and down the road that leads past where I did my NCT training. Turns out my memory for that route is waning, as I turned left too soon and found myself running through the Newcastle College Rye Hill campus; somewhere I've never been before.
It was around the point of my wrong turn that Google Fit announced the 10-minute mark and reported something I've not heard before: my pace was 6:00/km. SIX minutes. 😮 Good job I wasn't trying to set any records (though that is my record slowest). That surprised me somewhat, even if I had just been going uphill.
By the time I'd continued past the Utilita Arena and back towards the rear of Central Station, the 15-minute mark came with an improved report of 5:40/km overall. Not surprising really, as it had all been downhill from the 10-minute mark. At this point, I was starting to think I was going to miss the start of my next meeting, but I needn't have worried; I had about 15 minutes to spare and even managed a quick shower and change.
In the end — not that it was important — my overall pace was a smidge under 5:30/km for a smidge under 4km. Given how long I've spent out of action (it felt like an eternity), I'm more than happy with that. And this weekend brings the prospect of something I've not done before: a parkrun at 9am immediately followed by orienteering at 10am. Given there's no commitment on either, I'll see how I feel on the day, but I expect I'll be going for the parkrun at the very least. 🤞
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