Midweek run: another mere 3K through The Triangle
Just a very quick post to record another difficult run. As with last week's midweek run, I struggled with my chest again today. In fact, it was quite a bit worse today than last week and when I stopped, I was gasping for breath, but only able to take fairly shallow breaths. Twenty or so minutes later, I was fine again, but the difficulty I'd had while running had led me to wonder whether I'd stop after just a single lap (1.5km) of what's becoming my usual route. In the end, I let pride push me round a second time.
There's a chance this chest stuff is related to a 4-day sinus headache I've had (top timing for Christmas!). I'm sure it'll pass, but it's making me wonder whether this Saturday's parkrun will be a wise move. And whether I should take a precautionary puff on my inhaler before doing so. I'll see how I feel on Saturday...
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