Midweek run: Trinity Square, Gateshead

I'll be honest, I'm getting bored of running in Newcastle. I'm running out of interesting places I can go. (Everywhere I've already been is, by definition, not interesting.) Today, I decided to take a closer look at Trinity Square in Gateshead. Despite it being just over the river, I've not actually been there since the place was built on the site of the old Get Carter car park — and that was NINE YEARS ago.

In the end, in terms of exploration, this was another ultimately unrewarding run. I crossed the High Level bridge to start and headed up the hill toward Gateshead town centre. Passing the town hall — once a temporary home for the Tyneside Cinema during the its renovation — I soon found myself frustrated by not being able to spot what I assumed would be obvious streets between the tall... apartment blocks? Whatever they are.

Trinity Square, as seen from above (blatantly stolen from the ED&P page linked above)

I did a quick loop around the back, passing bookies, charity shops, a YMCA and the like, but no joy. I came back into what turned out to be the "square" of Trinity Square — still nothing impressive — and even ran into a mall-like area that I hoped would lead to the 'streets' I was expecting, But no joy; it just led to Tesco, so I looped around and straight back out.

At that point, I pretty much gave up and just decided to rack up the remaining kilometres, heading down to the Baltic Art Gallery, across the Millennium Bridge, and back up City Road to work. Probably about 4¼ kilometres in total (given that Google Fit lies) and in a not-very-impressive (for me) 26:15. Hey ho. Another route to avoid in the future. Next time, I might go back to heading north and hitting Exhibition Park. At least that'll be green. 😐


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