Picking it up: 4 bridges and 6 crossings

Following on from last Thursday's 3 laps of the quayside, I was determined to get out at lunch again today to get back on the 3-runs-a-week schedule and mindset. After the disappointing pace of the last run, I was also determined to pick it up again, especially in the first kilometre.

Working from the office, today's route was again around the Newcastle-Gateshead quayside, though I turned down the chance to repeat the same 3 laps. As much as it would've allowed a direct comparison on times, my usual reluctance to repeat exactly the same route kicked in and I found myself running past the Black Gate and Castle Keep on my way over the High Level Bridge instead.

From there, I looped back around to the left and crossed the Tyne Bridge back to Newcastle. Then it was down Moseley Street, Dean Street and Side and onto the quayside outside the Guildhall again. At that point, Google announced from my arse pocket that I'd been going for 10 minutes and just over 2km, so I figured 2 loops of the Swing Bridge and Millennium Bridge would see me to the 5km mark, which was all I was aiming for.

In the end, my phone announced I'd hit 25 minutes and 5.11km roughly when I was passing the Law Courts, which is a good chunk of distance before getting back to the Guildhall for a second time. 🤔 My legs weren't one to argue, however, and they called it quits there.

All in all, I was happy. Google Fit reckoned I'd hit the 5km mark in 24m 29s. Of course, that's nonsense (look at the wobbles in my trace above), but it probably still represents a decent improvement on recent outings. And key to that was noticing in previous runs that my first kilometre had been far slower than the rest, so the punchier start I'd given myself today really helped.

Next run will be in town again, on Thursday. And after that, back to the parkrunning on Saturday at Carlisle Park in Morpeth. Bring it.


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